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2025年1月31日 (金)

365 まんぽ haiku (31) 《Bashō・雪》



(hira-mikami-yuki sashiwatase sagi-no-hashi)

                   (芭蕉 Bashō)


Hira Mikami in the snow_

Build a bridge

of white herons.




I assume that Bashō composed this haiku, calling to white herons, when he saw snowy herons flying around Mt. Hira, which is famous for the beauty of snowy mountain at evening dusk.


I wish I were there when Basho composed this haiku. 



This picture shows Page 85 of "575 THE HAIKU OF BASHO" by John White & Kemmyo Taira Sato.


Comments are welcome in English or Japanese only.


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2025年1月30日 (木)

365 まんぽhaiku (30) 《Bashō・雪丸げ》



(kimi-hi-take yoki-mono-misen yukimaroge)

          (芭蕉 Bashō)


Make a fire_
I’ll show you something nice:
a snowman




This picture shows Page 94 of "575 THE HAIKU OF BASHO" by John White & Kemmyo Taira Sato.


Comments are welcome in English or Japanese only.


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2025年1月29日 (水)

365 まんぽ haiku (29) 《帰り花 Kunpūshi》



(konton-wa uchuu-no-chitsujo kaeribana)



“kaeribana” in bloom_


That’s the system of the cosmos.




The word “kaeribana” means a flower that is unusually in bloom in winter, although it normally blooms in spring, such as dandelion and cherry blossoms.

There is another seasonal word "kuruizaki", which is equivalent to "kaeribana" but which has quite a different nuance, literally meaning "crazy flower".



This is a picture showing a part of NHK TV news, which I saw in the morning on January 29. 2025.

You might think that some of the occurences, such as  abolishment of "DEI", are equivalent to "kaeribana" or "kuruizaki".    

"DEI" means "Diversity", "Equity" and "Inclusion".


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2025年1月28日 (火)

365 まんぽ haiku (28) 《春浅し Kunpūshi》



(shirohebi-no yobu-sandō-ya haru-asashi)



early spring_

white snakes invite us into a shop

on the street approaching to a temple.




The word "や" (ya) in the above haiku has three functions:

"exclamation", "question", and "pause".

A pause is an essential facter in the Japanese conventional haiku, in which brevity and rhythm are important. 

You will notice a big difference in length between Japanese and English in the above haiku.

To enjoy haiku, it is advisable for you to learn the Japanese language.


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2025年1月27日 (月)

365 まんぽ haiku (27) 《雪 Kunpūshi》



(aiken-ni soine-no-neko-ya yuki-no-yoru )



our cat sleeping

with our beloved dog_

living room in the snowy night



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2025年1月26日 (日)

365 まんぽ haiku (26) 《寒肥 Kunpūshi》



(aiken-no fun-mo-kangoe niwa-teire)



excrements of our beloved dog_

used as fertilizer for

gardening in the midwinter



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365 まんぽ haiku (25) 《Issa ・ 雪とけて》



(yuki-toke-te mura-ippai-no kodomo-kana)

          (一茶 Issa)


the snow has melted,

full of children_

my native village




This picture shows a part of special large tanzaku-style display in the Issa Memorial Museum of Nagano prefecture. 

The word "tanzaku" means a "strip of paper", on which  a haiku or waka is written (or to be written) for hanging-display. 


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2025年1月25日 (土)

















夏祭り最後を飾る揚げ花火 《俳句XXX








2025年1月24日 (金)

365 まんぽ haiku (24) 《子規の「雪」》


いくたびも 雪の深さを 尋ねけり

(ikutabi-mo yuki-no-fukasa-o tazunekeri)

       (正岡子規MASAOKA, shiki)


time after time,

I asked:

How thick the fallen snow?




Shiki Masaoka composed this haiku at the age of 29 in 1896 when he was ill in bed.  


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365 まんぽ haiku (23)《Bashō 氷る》



(ro-no-koe-nami-o-utte harawata-kōru yo-ya-namida)

        (芭蕉 Bashō)


sounds of oars slapping waves,

in the cold night freezing my bowels_




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2025年1月23日 (木)

365 まんぽ haiku (22)《悴む Kunpūshi》



(kajikamu-ya banpaku-yoyaku tenitsukazu)



benumbed with cold,

I’m in no mood to book 

for admission to EXPO 2025



Click (or tap) here to see current news of "EXPO 2025".


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2025年1月22日 (水)

365 まんぽ haiku (21) 《冬日 Kyoshi》



(hata-no-goto nabiku-fuyubi-o futo-mitari)

        (虚子 Kyoshi


I chanced to see

the winter sun wave

like a banner




This picture shows a scenery I happend to see on a walk ("mampo").


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2025年1月20日 (月)

365 まんぽ haiku (20) 《大寒 Kyoshi》



(daikan-no hokori-no-gotoku hito-shinuru)       

( 高浜虚子 TAKAHAMA , Kyoshi)


people will die

as if they were

dust in the midwinter




Kyoshi composed this haiku at the age of 67 in 1941, when the Pacific War occurred.


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2025年1月19日 (日)

365 まんぽ haiku (19) 《寒晴》



(kambare-ya kyō-wa waga-mago tanjōbi)



Today in the midwinter,

my granddaughter’s birthday_

what a bright Sunday!




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2025年1月18日 (土)

365 まんぽ haiku (18) 《冬日和》



(huyu-biyori rōrōkaigo yuku-hohaba)



wintry sunny day_

an aged couple on a walk

at caring short steps of side by side




This picture shows a scene of people walking on a footway along the "Hitohaku".


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2025年1月17日 (金)

365 まんぽ haiku (17)《阪神忌》



(hanshinki karasu-ya inu-mo kanashigeni)




cawing of a crow and barking of dogs,

all sound mournful



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365 まんぽ haiku (16)《風花 Kunpūshi》



(kazabana-ya inu-wa sonata-ni suyasuya-to)



snowflakes dancing in the sunshine_

our dog fallen in sound slumber,

listening to a sonata with  us



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2025年1月15日 (水)

365 まんぽ haiku (15) 《冬の日・Bashō》



(fuyu-no-hi-ya bajō-ni-kōru kagebōshi)

      (芭蕉 Bashō)


a wintry day_

frozen on the horse back,

my shadow



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2025年1月14日 (火)

365 まんぽ haiku (14) 《雪五尺・Issa》


是がまあ つひの栖か 雪五尺

(korega maa tsui-no-sumika-ka yuki-go-shaku)

       (一茶 Issa)


well, well !

my final dwelling_

the snow fifteen deep




This picture shows a part of display in the Issa Memorial Museum of Nagano prefecture. 

This display explains about several stones, on each of which Issa's haiku is inscribed.



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2025年1月13日 (月)

365 まんぽ haiku (13)《Issa うまさうな雪》


うまさうな雪や ふうわりふうわりと

umasou-na yuki-ya fuuwari-fuuwari-to

         (一茶 Issa)


snow falling

softly and gently,

all seeming delicious




This picture shows a part of a large "tanzaku" displayed in the Issa Memorial Museum of Nagano prefecture. 



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