« 365 まんぽ haiku (27) 《雪の夜》 | メイン | 365 まんぽ haiku (29) 《帰り花・返り花》 »

2025年1月28日 (火)

365 まんぽ haiku (28) 《早春》



(shirohebi-no yobu-sandō-ya haru-asashi)



early spring_

white snakes invite us into a shop

on the street approaching to a temple.




The word "や" (ya) in the above haiku has three functions:

"exclamation", "question", and "pause".

A pause is an essential facter in the Japanese conventional haiku, in which brevity and rhythm are important. 

You will notice a big difference in length between Japanese and English in the above haiku.

To enjoy haiku, it is advisable for you to learn the Japanese language.


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