haiku Feed

2025年2月14日 (金)

365 まんぽ haiku (45) Bashō《猫の恋》



mugimeshi-ni yatsururu-koi-ka neko-no-tsuma

                                  (Basho )


a cat’s wife_

emaciated with boiled barley-rice;

yet in love?


2025年2月13日 (木)

365 まんぽhaiku (44) 《春 Kyoshi》



(Suzume-ra-mo hito-o-osorenu kuni-no-haru)

                     (虚子 Kyoshi)


spring season of a country,

where sparrows are also

unafraid of people



Kyoshi composed this haiku at Kew Gardens in London.

2025年2月12日 (水)

365 まんぽ haiku (43) 《しら魚 Bashō》



(akebono-ya shirauo-shirokikoto issun)

        (芭蕉 Bashō)


at dawn_
one inch of whiteness




In the first version of this haiku, Bashō used "雪薄し” instead of "あけぼのや".

(See: https://www2.yamanashi-ken.ac.jp/~itoyo/basho/nozarasi/nozara21.htm)

2025年2月11日 (火)

365 まんぽhaiku (42) 《建国日 Kunpūshi》



(onoga-yaku omoi-aratani kenkoku-bi)



renewing my thought

for my role_

National Foundation Day




This picture shows a partial portion of NHK-TV news which Kunpūshi saw on February 10, 2025.



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2025年2月10日 (月)

365 まんぽ haiku(41)《凍蝶 Kyoshi》



(itechōno onogatamashii outetobu)

         (虚子 Kyoshi)


a frozen butterfly
fly, chasing
her own spirit



In the translation of this haiku, the verb “fly” in the form of bare infinitive is adopted because it is not real description of natural scene but imaginary expression of what Kyoshi felt upon seeing a butterfly in the winter.


Click nere and see "虚子100句英訳をHIAホームページでご覧下さい。"


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2025年2月 9日 (日)

365 まんぽhaiku (40) 《春一番 Kunpūshi》



This picture shows a partial portion of NHK-TV news, which L.P. Lovee watched on February 6, 2025.




(haruichiban banpaku-kikan enchō-o)



first spring gale_

Please extend

the term of “EXPO 2025”



Click here and see "大阪・関西万博の開催期間を延長して下さい!"

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2025年2月 8日 (土)

365 まんぽ haiku (39) 《Bashō海苔》



(otoroi-ya ha-ni-kuiateshi nori-no-suna) 

       (芭蕉 Bashō)



teeth hit a grain of sand

upon biting the laver


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2025年2月 7日 (金)

365 まんぽ haiku (38) 《早春 Kunpūshi》



(soshun-ya kami-hikoki-o inu-oi-te)



early spring_

my dog used to chase

grandson’s paper plane



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2025年2月 6日 (木)

365 まんぽ haiku (37) 《冴返る Kunpūshi》



(taji-tanan tanki-wa-son-ki saekaeru)



eventful days of difficulties,

relapsing into intense cold _

unremunerative is the short temper,




These pictures are some parts of NHK-TV news.




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2025年2月 5日 (水)

365 まんぽ haiku (36) 《Bashō 木枯》



(kogarashi-ni iwa-fuki-togaru sugima-kana)

            (芭蕉 Bashō)


wintry blasts_

rocks look sharpened

among cedar trees



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2025年2月 4日 (火)

365 まんぽ haiku (35) 《Bashō 凍て》



(ite-tokete fude-ni-kumi-hosu shimizu-kana)

                  (芭蕉 Bashō)



I soaked a calligraphy brush,

having the spring water run dry



According to "芭蕉db.", Bashō composed this haiku around the spring called "toku-toku" at Yoshino in Mie prefecture.   

(Refer to the first picture by 芭蕉db.)



This picture shows Page 258 of "575 THE HAIKU OF BASHO" by John White & Kemmyo Taira Sato.

You may notice that they mistranslated this haiku of Bashō.




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Comments are welcome, but only in English or Japanese.

2025年2月 3日 (月)

365 まんぽ haiku (34) 《節分 Kunpūshi》



(waga-yume-wa oniuchimame-o hamu-hakuju)



my dream:

celebration at the age of ninety-nine,

eating ninety-nine oniuchimames



The word “oniuchimame” means “roasted soybeans which are hurled at imaginary ogres on February 2 or 3 (the day before the calendrical beginning of spring) according to Japanese traditional customs.



This picture shows, among other things, an ogre mask and "oniuchimame" put in a measuring box.



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Comments are welcome in English or Japanese only.

2025年2月 2日 (日)

365 まんぽ haiku (33) 《歌留多取り Kunpūshi》



(eiai-ni yomase-kyōzu-ya karutatori)          



game of karuta_


having AI read




In this haiku, "karuta" means "hyakunin-isshu" (百人一首), which is a set of cards consisting of one hundred poems by one hundred poets.

In the past, I used to play as a reader for such karutatori.

"Karutatori" is a game normaly played in New Year days.

In general, there is another kind of "karuta" called "iroha-karuta"(いろはかるた), which is composed of cards with texts to be read and corresponding picture cards.



This picture shows a part of explanatory article of "きごさい歳時記”(kigosai-saijiki)as a result of my WEB search for the word "歌留多取り" (karuta-tori).



These pictures show, as a result of my Google WEB search for the word "いろはかるた”(iroha-karuta), a part of explanatory article "郷土かるたコレクション”(https://carta.media.gunma-u.ac.jp/kinki/data_193kyoiroha/index.html).  


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Comments are welcome in English or Japanese only.

2025年2月 1日 (土)

365 まんぽ haiku (32) 《Bashō 冬の雨》



(omoshiro-shi yuki-ni-ya-naran fuyu-no-ame)

                         (芭蕉 Bashō)



the rain in winter

will turn to snow




This picture shows Page 322 of "575 THE HAIKU OF BASHO" by John White & Kemmyo Taira Sato.


Comments are welcome in English or Japanese only.


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2025年1月31日 (金)

365 まんぽ haiku (31) 《Bashō・雪》



(hira-mikami-yuki sashiwatase sagi-no-hashi)

                   (芭蕉 Bashō)


Hira Mikami in the snow_

Build a bridge

of white herons.




I assume that Bashō composed this haiku, calling to white herons, when he saw snowy herons flying around Mt. Hira, which is famous for the beauty of snowy mountain at evening dusk.


I wish I were there when Basho composed this haiku. 



This picture shows Page 85 of "575 THE HAIKU OF BASHO" by John White & Kemmyo Taira Sato.


Comments are welcome in English or Japanese only.


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2025年1月30日 (木)

365 まんぽhaiku (30) 《Bashō・雪丸げ》



(kimi-hi-take yoki-mono-misen yukimaroge)

          (芭蕉 Bashō)


Make a fire_
I’ll show you something nice:
a snowman




This picture shows Page 94 of "575 THE HAIKU OF BASHO" by John White & Kemmyo Taira Sato.


Comments are welcome in English or Japanese only.


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2025年1月29日 (水)

365 まんぽ haiku (29) 《帰り花 Kunpūshi》



(konton-wa uchuu-no-chitsujo kaeribana)



“kaeribana” in bloom_


That’s the system of the cosmos.




The word “kaeribana” means a flower that is unusually in bloom in winter, although it normally blooms in spring, such as dandelion and cherry blossoms.

There is another seasonal word "kuruizaki", which is equivalent to "kaeribana" but which has quite a different nuance, literally meaning "crazy flower".



This is a picture showing a part of NHK TV news, which I saw in the morning on January 29. 2025.

You might think that some of the occurences, such as  abolishment of "DEI", are equivalent to "kaeribana" or "kuruizaki".    

"DEI" means "Diversity", "Equity" and "Inclusion".


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2025年1月28日 (火)

365 まんぽ haiku (28) 《春浅し Kunpūshi》



(shirohebi-no yobu-sandō-ya haru-asashi)



early spring_

white snakes invite us into a shop

on the street approaching to a temple.




The word "や" (ya) in the above haiku has three functions:

"exclamation", "question", and "pause".

A pause is an essential facter in the Japanese conventional haiku, in which brevity and rhythm are important. 

You will notice a big difference in length between Japanese and English in the above haiku.

To enjoy haiku, it is advisable for you to learn the Japanese language.


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2025年1月27日 (月)

365 まんぽ haiku (27) 《雪 Kunpūshi》



(aiken-ni soine-no-neko-ya yuki-no-yoru )



our cat sleeping

with our beloved dog_

living room in the snowy night



Click or tap here to see the latest article of “365 まんぽ haiku”.

2025年1月26日 (日)

365 まんぽ haiku (26) 《寒肥 Kunpūshi》



(aiken-no fun-mo-kangoe niwa-teire)



excrements of our beloved dog_

used as fertilizer for

gardening in the midwinter



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