100 HAIKUs of TAKAHAMA Kyoshi (41~50)


(10 haikus of Kyoshi Takahama, translated by Satoshi Kinoshita)

To see back issues, click (31~40),  (21~30) , and  (1~20), respectively.


(41)(42)(43)流れゆく大根の葉の早さかな (S.3 1928) 

(nagareyuku daikonnohano hayasakana)

a leaf of Japanese radish

flowing away:

what a rapidity!


how fast!

the leaf of Japanese radish

flows away


flowing away,

how fast!

Japanese radish leaves


(44)七盛の墓を包みて椎の露 (S.4 1929

   (shichimorino hakaotsutsumite shiinotsuyu)

      dews from a Japanese chinquapin

      fall, covering

      the shichimori-grave of Taira clan


(45) 雛よりも御仏よりも可愛らし (S.4 1929

     (hinayorimo mihotokeyorimo kawairashi)

      the baby cute,

      more than

      a hina doll or buddha


(46)避暑宿の壁に貼りたる子供の絵 (S.4 1929

      (hishoyadono kabeniharitaru kodomonoe)

       kids-written pictures

       put up on the wall of

       a summer cottage


(47) ツェツペリン飛び来し国の盆の月 (S.4 1929

     (tsuepperin tobikishikunino bonnotsuki

      the Zeppelin

      flew to my country_

      the Bon-festival moon


(48) 止りたる蠅追ふことも只ねむし (S.4 1929

     (tomaritaru haeoukotomo tadanemushi)

      simply too sleepy

      to slap off

      an alighting fly


(49) 藪の穂の動く秋風見て居るか (S.4 1929

  (yabunohono ugokuakikaze miteiruka)

   you might stay

     watching the autumn wind,

     thicket ears moving


(50) 春潮といへば必ず門司を思ふ (S.5 1930

     (shunchoto iebakanarazu mojio-omou)

      speaking of spring tide

      reminds me

      of Moji port

