« 俳句・HAIKU by L. P. Lovee (3) 《正月・New year》 | メイン | 俳句・HAIKU by L. P. Lovee (6) 柚子湯・冬至湯 »

2018年1月 5日 (金)

俳句・HAIKU by L. P. Lovee (4) <初詣・hatsumoude>




(hatsumoude insutabaeno renriboku)

New-year homage

to a shrine_

an instagenic “renri” tree




(aikenwa inudoshiumare hatsumoude)

New-year homage to the local shrine_

our beloved dog

born in year of the Dog



(aikenmo chinowawokuguri hatsumoude) 


my beloved dog also

passed through “chinowa” ring



(roukento inorusokusai hatsumoude)

hatsumoude prayer

for our good health

with an old dog

