365 まんぽ haiku (33) 《歌留多取り Kunpūshi》
(eiai-ni yomase-kyōzu-ya karutatori)
game of karuta_
having AI read
In this haiku, "karuta" means "hyakunin-isshu" (百人一首), which is a set of cards consisting of one hundred poems by one hundred poets.
In the past, I used to play as a reader for such karutatori.
"Karutatori" is a game normally played in New Year days.
In general, there is another kind of "karuta" called "iroha-karuta"(いろはかるた), which is composed of cards with texts to be read and corresponding picture cards.
This picture shows a part of explanatory article of "きごさい歳時記”(kigosai-saijiki)as a result of my WEB search for the word "歌留多取り" (karuta-tori).
These pictures show, as a result of my Google WEB search for the word "いろはかるた”(iroha-karuta), a part of explanatory article "郷土かるたコレクション”(https://carta.media.gunma-u.ac.jp/kinki/data_193kyoiroha/index.html).
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2025.3.11 Renewed
投稿: | 2025年3月11日 (火) 02時37分